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ISO/IEC 20000 - Training Courses & Certification

ISO 20000 ISO 20000 is the universal standard for IT Systems Management (ITSM), distributed by ISO (the Universal Organization for Standardization), and ICE (the Universal Appointive Commission). To get to be a worldwide standard, ISO 20000 had to be concurred upon by a larger part of part nations, which suggests it is acknowledged by a lion's share of nations around the world.


The standard depicts a set of administration forms planned to assist you to provide more successful IT administrations (both to those inside your trade and to your clients). ISO 20000 gives you the methodology and the system to assist you oversee your ITSM, whereas permitting you to demonstrate your company takes after best practice. With the prerequisites of the standard, you'll accomplish best hone, making a difference to make strides in your conveyance of IT administrations. And ISO 20000 is appropriate to any company measure and any industry.
 The essential distinction between ISO 20000 and ITIL is that ISO 20000 gives you the strategy and system (giving you with the pieces with which to develop the ITSM jigsaw astound), whereas ITIL gives you the subtle elements (the leading hones) on how to oversee each and each IT prepare in your organization (i.e. how to put the jigsaw astound together).
A good way to think of it is that ISO 20000 says what you need to do, while ITIL tells you how to do it. ISO 20000 does not work in total confinement. It can be actualized autonomously from ITIL, but they do go exceptionally well together. As restricted to a standard, ITIL could be a commonsense system of best hones that centers on adjusting your IT administrations with the more extensive needs of your commerce. As a company, you can’t get to be ITIL certified; you'll be able as it complied with the leading hone rules. ISO 20000 is based on the basic principles of ITIL and could be a standard that your company can certify against. Individuals looking for brilliance in ITSM and globally recognized certification can end up certified against ITIL and ISO 20000 (e.g. the establishment course talked about assisting below). ISO 20000 certification for organizations is basically the proof that the best hones have been actualized. ITIL isn't required to pick up certification in ISO 20000, but it is less demanding to realize on the off chance that you’re taking after an ITIL approach to IT benefit administration. To memorize more, studied our whitepaper: “ITIL vs ISO 20000.”

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